Walt Disney Animation Studios is once again looking to conquer the Thanksgiving weekend box office with a brand new musical adventure, following in the footsteps of Frozen and Moana. The new film is called Encanto, and it tells the story of a magical family in Columbia, and its one member who doesn’t share her family’s penchant for special abilities.
On Thursday morning, Disney released the first teaser trailer for Encanto and revealed that Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s Stephanie Beatriz will be voicing Maribel, the film’s main character. You can check out the trailer above!
“Mirabel is a really funny, loving character who also deeply yearns for something more,” Beatriz said in a statement. “She’s also not afraid to stand up for what she knows is right — something I love and relate to very much.”
“I’m Colombian on my father’s side, and playing this role fills me with immense pride,” Beatriz continued. “As a Disney kid, I’d burn through my VHS tapes and adored every single magical story that the world of Disney introduced me to. I learned in those that stories that anything is possible, especially if you believe in magic and the goodness rooted deep inside us all.”
Encanto also stars María Cecilia Botero, Wilmer Valderrama, Adassa, Diane Guerrero, Mauro Castillo, Angie Cepeda, Jessica Darrow, Rhenzy Feliz, and Carolina Gaitan.
The film is directed by Byron Howard (Zootopia, Tangled) and Jared Bush (Zootopia), with Charise Castro Smith (The Death of Eva Sofia Valdez) serving as co-director. Bush co-wrote the screenplay with Castro Smith and the duo of Clark Spencer and Yvett Merino produce. Encanto features brand new songs written by Hamilton’s Lin-Manuel Miranda.