The fourth installment in the popular John Wick action franchise is currently in production, and many of the beloved stars from earlier films in the series are making their return. Keanu Reeves is obviously reprising his role as the titular assassin on the run in John Wick: Chapter 4, and news broke recently that Lance Reddick would be returning to the fold as Charon. Now, with filming underway, Ian McShane is preparing his fourth John Wick appearance.
Deadline reported on Thursday that McShane has finalized a deal to return to the John Wick franchise in Chapter 4, once again playing the mysterious Winston. McShane has appeared in each of the John Wick films to this point, and with Winston playing a crucial role in setting up the assassin underworld that is central to the series.
“I couldn’t be happier than to welcome Ian McShane back to John Wick: Chapter 4,” said director Chad Stahelski. “He is not only an amazing actor but is an indispensable collaborator who has helped define the world of John Wick.”
Even though McShane just signed on for the fourth John Wick, he has been planning to take part in the shoot for some time. Earlier this year, while speaking to Collider, McShane said he was going to be working on John Wick 4 at some point in 2021.
“Keanu [Reeves] and I exchanged New Year’s greetings and said, ‘Hope to see you this year.’ I know the script is being written and they’re hoping to do it this year,” McShane said. I know they announced they were gonna do [John Wick 4] and [John Wick 5] together, but who knows. The studios announce all sorts of things. No doubt, at some point this year, we’re gonna do John Wick 4.”
So the cast of John Wick: Chapter 4 now features a trio of returning talents in Reeves, Reddick, and McShane. Franchise newcomers include Donnie Yen, Hiroyuki Sanada, Rina Sawayama, and Shamier Anderson. Stahelski is directing with a script from Shay Hatten and Michael Finch. In addition to his directing duties, Stahelski is producing alongside Basil Iwanyk and Erica Lee. Reeves is serving as executive producer with Louise Rosner.
John Wick: Chapter 4 is currently in production, with shooting set to take place in France, Germany, and Japan throughout the summer. The film is set to hit theaters on May 27, 2022.